October has gone just as fast as it came and I expect the next two months will as well.
The most exciting thing about the month had to be the snow. I don’t think I’ve ever seen it snow that much without a break in my whole life. It started snowing at around 7pm Tuesday evening (Halloween week) and did not stop till Thursday evening. We got 2 feet of snow. Rob came home early on Wednesday in anticipation that the roads would only be getting worse. So, half of Wednesday and all of Thursday Rob just worked from home (another reason I love Rob’s job). We tried to go eat out on Thursday but all of the restaurants were closed because of the weather. Thanks to the grocery stores we were able to pick up a Digorno pizza. (Rob, sorry we weren’t able to satisfy your green chili craving.)
Thanks Target for being open as well? Because of you we were able to get snow boots and gloves for James thus allowing us to frolic in the snow on Friday morning. I’m not normally a huge fan of snow and cold weather. Especially this early in the year. But Friday was amazing. We bundled ourselves and James up in our snow gear and went out for some snow filled fun. The weather was perfect. James had a blast. We took him sledding down a small hill in our neighbor hood and then he played on the snow covered playground.
Then…that night we had the ward Trunk-or-Treat. It was James first time really understanding the concept of Halloween. He was diggin it. Then of course Halloween was the next day. We went over to my cousins house to celebrate. They had a huge group of kids go tricking-or-treating together(James included). We only went around one block but that was plenty for me (being pregnant and all) and James. It was getting pretty cold too. We then indulged ourselves in hot cheesy soup and sour dough bread.
There is nothing I enjoy more than all of the memories we have been able to create together as a family.
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