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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I miss, I wish, I’m happy because…

I miss…

Utah!  Ya, I said it Rob, I miss Utah.

I miss my family.

I miss having  friends.

I miss having people to go to the park with.

I miss having people to watch James so I can go to a movie

I miss being able to go to my parents house or having my mom drive down when I was bored.

I miss being able to go to a family BBQ.

I miss having my brothers over for dinner and watching a “show'”

I miss James NOT having tantrums.

I miss being able to put James in his crib so I can take a shower. (ya, I haven’t had a shower since Monday)

and most of all I miss I miss I miss…

Rob not going out of town every other week for almost the whole week. 

I wish…

I could go work out in the mornings.

I wish I could have gone to Lake Powell with my mom and brother.

I wish I could have gone to Jessica’s baby shower and seen baby Shane.

and most of all I wish I wish I wish…Rob could go to Oceanside, CA with my family and I.

I’m Happy because…

We live in a beautiful state.

Rob has an awesome Job.

Rob gets every other Friday off.

We live in a really nice apartment.

James is happy and healthy.

Baby #2 is on the way.

It’s summer!

I’ve been spending time crafting.(learning how to use my sewing machine, mom!)

My family just came and visited us for James B-day.

And most of all I’m happy because…

We are so blessed.


Johnson's said...

I miss you too! I'm glad you can admit that you miss Ut, even though the rath of Rob is coming (jk). I wish I could come to the park with you...soon, hopefully.

Marce said...

cute, cute post, amy! i know that i miss you...come back, come back! or at least come visit us in california :) hope all is well there in colorado!