After indulging myself in chick flicks and trying to keep James entertained without a “Daddy” break for most of the week. It’s needless to say I was excited for Rob to come home Thursday night so we could go on our FIRST OVER NIGHT CAMPING TRIP OF THE YEAR! I love camping! Can ya tell? Rob found we’re we were going and I planned the meals. Don’t you just love camping food? I made delicious tin foil dinners.
1st-We drove up to the camp ground(it was beautiful)
2nd-We took a walk and tried to keep James from jumping in mud puddles.
3rd-Tut tut, looks like rain! Yup, it started to pore but luckily we were already in the tent cause we saw it coming.
4th- It rained for about an hour while James bounced off the tent walls.
5th- We took a short drive before we decided to come back and start dinner. This took a while cause Rob decided that he needed to be “rugged” and start a fire with flint and steel instead of a match. A half hour later “HE MADE FIRE!” and we could start cooking our dinners.(He secretly wants to be Bear Grills.) All the while, James entertained himself by playing in the car. At leased I didn’t have to chase him around the “wilderness” the whole time.
6th- S’mores!
7th-Another drive in the car cause James loves care rides and to help him fall asleep.
8th-Just as I’m about to lie James down on the mattress his eyes pop open and he thinks it’s “party in the tent time”. But who cares cause it was still pretty early and we were camping, right? Well, I started to care when he kept kicking me and trying to sleep on my head in the middle of the night. Who really expects to get a good night sleep when they are camping anyway?!
Overall, it was way fun and I hope to do a lot more this summer. Rob gets every other Friday off so it shouldn’t be a problem.
P.S. Here’s a few pics-
I'm so jealous...we have been so very busy we can't get away for a much needed break :(
Oh ya...I think that YOU secretly wish that Rob was Bear Grills!
Hope you have a great week.
That sounded like an adventure, Jordon laughed about the fire part ;) he likes bear grylls too! We haven't had the guts to try camping with Ethan yet... hopefully someday soon.
What an adventure! And congrats on pregnancy #2! That's so exciting for you guys.
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