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Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Yup it’s true…James is going to be a big brother.  I just had my first doctors appointment on Monday and sure enough we heard the little heart beat.  So far, I love the office.  The nurse was amazing.  The nicest person ever!  Sorry, I don’t have any pictures yet since I’m only 13 weeks.  I won’t get an ultra sound for about 9 more weeks.  The baby is due December 26th.  Hopefully I can convince them to induce me a few days if not a week early.  Shouldn’t be to hard since most Doc’s don’t want to worry about coming in on Christmas eve or day. 


Lauren said...

congrats congrats congrats!! and you should totally convince your doc to do your ultrasound at 20 weeks! (that's only 7 away!) hope you weren't too sick! ps - let's get together! I want to come see your new place and meet your son!

Snell Family said...

How exciting! It's always fun when they have a sibling to play with. Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! That is so exciting!!

Kristy said...

Congratulations! Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy!

Anna said...


Alex said...

Congratulations! Such great news! :-) The new place looks amazing too. So glad things are working out so well for you! Love to you all xxx

Joey, Amber, Ken , Ellie, Bruce and Patrick said...

Congratulations! We are excited for you!

Marli said...

Holy Cow I need to check the bloggs more often!!! Congrats that is totally exciting!!! I hope you are feeling okay.