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Thursday, August 13, 2009

I gave up…

on potty training for now.  James just wasn’t ready.  I didn’t really enjoy being peed on all day either.  I let him run around diaper free all morning and put him on the potty every 20 min.  Guess what happened!  When he woke up from his nap I tried to put him on the potty.  He ran to his room and shut the door.  I walked in ta few min. later to find him back in bed with his binki and blanket.  In my attempt to potty train I caused him to HATE the potty.  So, I don’t think I’m going to be the ‘modern mom’ and train early and just let him run around naked all day putting him on the toilet all the time.  I could barely handle it for 1/2 a day.  Let alone being stuck inside for a whole week or however long it would have taken.

So, after talking to my Mom and other more experience moms then I, most of them said boys potty train better closer to 3.  I also figure if it takes longer to potty train because I decide to use pull-ups, so be it.  At leased I’m not getting peed and pooped on and I can actually go places.

Anywho, I do plan to buy a book before a take another stab at it.  But for now we will wait and hopefully James will start to be bothered by poo in his diaper soon. But till then I will continue to change his cute little bum bum.  Even if I have to start doing double diaper duty come December.


The Webber's said...

haha - this made my laugh, thank you! Brynn is 2 years and 3 months now and we thought she would be potty trained by now - but like James, doesn't seem to care enough. I have decided to try when she's more interested rather than make her hate it. She does poop in it about once a week, but that's it and she's been sitting for WAY more than her share of minutes (added together equals at least an hour or two!)

Good luck with your next attempt! I figure all kids are different it'll happen sooner than later!